
Hopefully you've enjoyed the all the Hallman family history sprinkled with a few personal travel experiences and photos. If you'll indulge me a little more, over the next few posts I'd like to share a few of our sightseeing excursions while we were in Stockholm.

We visited Skansen, an outdoor museum containing centuries old buildings and houses placed
in a natural setting as well as animals native to the area. Since we visited after busy tourist season, many of the exhibits were not staffed, but I thoroughly enjoyed getting questions answered from the staff members I was able to engage with. In fact, I was so busy talking to people I didn't get nearly as many pictures as I would have liked. We enjoyed our time there immensely.

A typical 1870s farm owner's home from southern Sweden:

A shoemaker's cottage. Unfortunately there was no shoemaker on staff that day, so we were not able to go inside.

A farm laborer's cottage in which most of my ancestors would have lived. I snapped a picture of part of the sign but no picture of the house. Imagine a small red wooden cottage. . .

Emanuel Swedenborg's Summerhouse. Scholars have recently tied the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg to the creation of Joseph Smith's theology.

Miscellaneous architecture in and around Skansen.
