Daily Life in Folk Art, part 4

Den tiden

That Time
Trading an egg for a chicory.

Potäteupptagaregröten äts

Potato Harvester Porridge is Eaten
When the potato harvest was completed in the fall, it was customary to be invited
to have rice or oat porridge. This was done before going home on the last
harvesting day. They would also drink an alcoholic beverage made from
honey and water and get "wispy in the legs."


Paying the church tax to the priest.


New Year's New
At the new year you would bow and wish for something. At the same time you would
pick up the Psalm book and read the first verse you saw in the book.
Then the wish would come true.


Potato Yield
Several households joined forces to make potato flour.

Vá spörs på byggda?

What is talked about in the neighborhood?

I brist på stor kärna

Shaking Cream into Butter


Medicine Box
Over ice and snow the midwife would come carrying relief.


Thistle Pickers
Picking the weeds from the corn field.


New Year's Morning
If a man was first to visit in the new year it meant luck to the house.

Slå tönneban

Hitting the Barrel
A children's activity played in the summer with the steel rings from wooden barrels.

Mannen som ovetande bär iväg med tandstocken

The Man who Unknowingly Carries Away with the Toothpick
It was customary for one to pull out his bad teeth himself
but not acceptable to throw away body parts, so extracted teeth
would be placed in cracks in inconspicuous logs of the house.

More of Carl Gustaf Bernhardson's folk art may be found here.
