Daily Life in Folk Art

Carl Gustaf Bernhardson was born in 1915 on the island of Skaftö, located in the upper archipelagos in western Sweden just 99 miles northwest of Sätila. He was a prolific artist as he depicted scenes of daily life in Sweden inspired by the stories of his grandfather. No topic, no matter how mundane, was off limits. Much of his art was specific to island life and the fishing industry, but a great deal of it, I believe, illustrated Swedish culture in general. Many of Bernhardson's subjects were the women of the village who took on all the necessary chores both inside and outside of the home.

This is the first of many posts highlighting his artwork. Even more can be found here, and a short biography of the artist himself can be found here.

I hope that you will take some time to examine each piece of art and ponder on the culture of the day.

Pastorn på sjukbesök

The Pastor on a Sick Visit


Night of Darkness
Listening to grandfather tell stories.


Riding the Bed Boards


It was believed that some birds were sent as greetings from
relatives who lived far away or who had passed on.

Ta juletyppa

Christmas Game
Prior to the 20th century, straw would be placed on the floor and children would
lay in the straw and attempt to pick up straw chickens, hens, and geese with their feet.


Rooster Swap
Roosters would be swapped or loaned among neighbors to avoid inbreeding.

Lantmätarkaffe 1860

Coffee Beans Boiling in the Kettle

Sedder i gruva

Sitting in the Mine
("mine" refers to the stove)
Woman is sitting by the fireplace drinking coffee
while the men sat at the table.

Dans i köket

Dancing in the Kitchen


Dairy (Milk Collector)
Sitting in the kitchen talking while grandma is measuring the milk.


Chopping Knives
Chopping meat and making the sausage.


Latrine Cart
The old man would blow in his hand and the women would come
running with their buckets of waste.

Next Post - Daily Life in Folk Art, Part 2

Previous Post - Birka
